You can read more about Apache Wicket here
Here let us check how to invoke Javascript from a Wicket component and how receive/handle response. Assume the requirement is having a webpage where we will load some control using Javascript(For example - Google Earth ;) ) , and once the javascript execution is completed the page should do something.
01 public class MyPage extends WebPage { Here we are creating a webpage and adding a panel to that. The panel is the place where we will |
But before going to the panel let us check how to get a call back from the JavaScript.
For acheiving this we will add an AjaxBehavior to the panel
01 public MyPage() { |
Curresponding html files are simple enough.
Now lets look at the JSPanel. Here we need to call the javascrip onLoad of the page. This is acheived through RenderHead method.
Lets look at the relevant javascript now
function init(urlVal) {
url = urlVal;
//Create an instance of GE."map3d", initCallback, failureCallback);
function initCallback(object) {
// Show GE and move camera to decired location.
ge = object;
var lookAt = ge.getView().copyAsLookAt(ge.ALTITUDE_RELATIVE_TO_GROUND);
// Make a call to the wicket callback url from here
var arg = "&key=" + value;
var wcall = wicketAjaxGet(url + arg , function() { }, function() { });
That is it. Let me know if you need the complete sample code for this.
Java code displayed as html here is using a tool HTML4Java, you can check it here
google earth + wicket = planet wicket.
ReplyDeletesick, man, sick!
good one , thank you